Top 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Executive Coach

If you want your company to succeed, you need every advantage you can get. That means never settling for ‘good enough’–if there’s an avenue for you to improve any aspect of your business, you should take it.

One way to push yourself and your company’s leadership to be better is by hiring an executive coach. Coaches can help your executives thrive in the position–but choosing an executive coach can be a difficult prospect.

No matter the field your company serves, you’ll have a lot of options for coaches; how do you choose the right one for your business? How can you be sure the coach you hire will drive your executives to be better?

There are a few key factors you should look into when choosing an executive coach; read on to learn the five most important ones.

1. Your Budget

The first thing you should think about when choosing an executive coach is your budget. Start by comparing coaching costs; find someone whose rates are reasonable and affordable.

It pays to be a little flexible with your budget here. Don’t think of a coach as an expense; instead, think of it as an investment in your company’s leadership.

2. Coaching Credentials

You need to make sure the coach you hire is a professional. Check the credentials of any coaches you’re interested in hiring; ideally, you want someone who is certified by a trustworthy organization.

The International Coaching Federation is a great example of a certifying body that you can depend on, but there are several other organizations that are equally reliable.

3. Prior Experience

Make sure that any coach you hire has executive coaching experience. The more experience a coach has, the better–veteran coaches have worked with all kinds of executives and can give advice about a variety of situations.

Inexperienced coaches are more likely to give bad advice or get stumped by certain aspects of the job they haven’t encountered before.

4. Reviews

Check on the reputation of an executive coach before hiring them. You can start by reading online reviews; these should give you a good feel for how the coach performs and if they are effective.

You can also ask the coach if they have references. They may be able to put you in contact with former clients who can answer your questions about the coach’s style and performance.

5. Your Goals

Improving executive skills is a coach’s job, but their methods and the skills they focus on can vary greatly depending on the coach. You need to talk with your prospective coach about what you hope to accomplish by hiring them.

Determining your exact goals can be difficult, but talking to other executives can help you gain perspective. Small business groups like the ones offered at are a great place to workshop these ideas.

Choosing an Executive Coach Just Got Easier

When choosing an executive coach, you need to find a candidate you can trust. You need somebody who has proven they can get results–but you also need those results to align with your own goals and vision for your company.

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