Today, it takes around 24 days to go from interview to hiring. Not only is this a lengthy period, but in the end, there’s a possibility the employee isn’t a good fit. If this is the case, then you’ll have to repeat the whole process again.
Of course, you can’t guarantee that an employee will be perfect for your company. But by scrutinizing each candidate more, you can increase the chances of them being long-term workers.
One way you can do so is by applying cognitive tests during the hiring process.
Interested in hearing more? Here are some cognitive test benefits you’ll enjoy.
They’re Short and Sweet
You might be wary about adding more to your interview process. But what’s great is with any cognitive ability test, they’re usually short and sweet!
Many take just 10 to 15 minutes, so your candidates won’t have to spend long filling the form out and you won’t have to wait long either. In the end, you’ll also save time on the hiring process too!
They’re Not Expensive
Administering a cognitive function test isn’t expensive at all! In fact, you might be able to find some for free on the internet. However, we recommend paying a little bit of money to get tests of a higher caliber, as that’ll pay off in the end. More developed and precise questions will mean a better hiring process.
It Can Help You Predict Job Performance
How a candidate fills out a form can tell you a lot about how good they’ll be at their jobs. For example, you’ll be able to tell how easily they can follow instructions and communicate with others in the workplace. Not only that, but you’ll also get a glimpse into how well they can learn new skills.
It Shortens Hiring Time
Remember how we said the average hiring time is about 24 days? That might be too long for you to wait, in regards to filling the position and training someone.
A benefit of cognitive tests is that it can shorten your time to hire! Once you administer the test, you can then look at the results and see if they’re a good fit. From there, you can eliminate candidates from the pool and narrow your search immediately.
It Improves Employee Retention
Lastly, because cognitive tests help you hone in on better candidates, it improves employee retention in the end. This means you won’t have to waste money and time looking for worker after worker, only to fail.
Use Cognitive Tests for Better Hiring Success
Considering that cognitive tests give you a better insight into the candidates you’re interested in, they can help you better determine whether or not someone is a good fit for your company. So add this short and easy test to your hiring process and see your business succeed!
To find out more about hiring, browse the rest of our blog page.