Top 3 Chiropractic Marketing Tips

Looking to bring in new leads and patients to your chiropractic practice?

More businesses are turning to the internet to find their customers. In fact, 54 percent of millennials look online before choosing a doctor.

Whether you’re opening a new practice or wanting to ramp up business for an existing office, here are 3 chiropractic marketing tactics to get you started!

1. Make the Most of Search Engines

In an ideal world, when potential patients search Google for chiropractors in your area, your office will show up on the first page of results.

To ensure this happens, you need to focus on your website SEO.

Researching local keywords, creating a solid blog content strategy, having a Google Business profile, and stacking positive reviews are a few pieces of a local SEO strategy.

Along with SEO, you can also budget some of your marketing dollars into Google Adwords.

Adwords is a pay-per-click advertising platform. It allows you to bid for a place among Google’s sponsored results.

For example, if someone searched for “Chiropractor in Bradenton Florida” and you were using Adwords to bid for that keyword, your website would show up as one of the first results on the first page.

2. Use Facebook Ads

Speaking of advertising, Facebook advertising is another fantastic platform for chiropractic marketing.

Unlike Google Adwords, where people are actively searching for a chiropractor, Facebook allows you to place an ad in the newsfeed of users who might want your services.

Having a strong offer is extremely important when using Facebook ads. Potential leads may not be specifically needing chiropractic care.

Facebook is a powerful advertising platform. It allows you to laser target your audience based on demographics, location, interests, more.

For example, if your office specializes in athletes, you could craft an ad targeted specifically to college-aged football players within a radius of your office.

3. Maximize Customer Value

When considering Google Adwords and Facebook ads to amplify your marketing, it’s important to think about your service mix.

Planning which services to market is an equally important marketing tactic.

To get started, begin building out a value ladder for your business.

Customers will often enter your practice at the lowest offer level. This offer could be something as simple as a discounted adjustment or massage.

Each level of your value ladder could include a variety of services. These include x-rays, monthly checkups or adjustments, exercise plans, and personal trainer sessions.

As a customer ascends the ladder, prices go up.

The goal of a value ladder is to ultimately increase customer lifetime value. Creating continuity offers for your practice will result in an increase in repeat business.

Structuring your business around a value ladder will help you break the cycle of new customers only coming in for one-off adjustments. This dramatically increases the potential value of each new lead.

Kick Start Your Chiropractic Marketing

Using these 3 tactics along with your current chiropractic marketing efforts, you’re likely to see an increase in patients.

Are you implementing any successful marketing methods that we didn’t mention?

Let us know in the comments!

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