Eco Friendly Companies: How to Make Your Business Energy Efficient

A recent survey shows that 48 percent of U.S. consumers have agreed that they definitely will change their consumption habits and go towards eco-friendly living. Eco-friendly companies are not only helping the climate, but they also have increased productivity and efficiency of their employees. 

If you want to learn how to change your company into an environmentally friendly business, then keep reading, we’ve put together a list of steps you can take – let’s check it out. 

Recycling and Use of Paper

One of the easiest ways to help the environment is through recycling everything that you can. Products such as paper, packaging, certain metals, and plastics can all be recycled instead of being thrown away and eventually hurting our fragile environment.

If you can change your company to go paperless, this is even better. Using email and digital files can completely eliminate the use of physical paper. Send your invoices and bills through electronic devices is the way to go green.  

Solar and Renewable Energy

If you want to not only help the environment but also save money – going solar is a must. By investing in solar energy, you’re helping your business become more energy-efficient.

It may be an expensive investment at first, but it can save you money in the long run. They require little to none maintenance, and you can also get a tax credit on them. If you want to go green, then investing in alternative energy solutions is the best way to do it. 

Lights and Appliances

Speaking of being energy efficient – By switching to high-efficiency lights and appliances, you can save money and help the environment. 

Lights such as LED are much more energy efficient (which can save you money) and last much longer than your regular bulbs (which also can save you money). Save your money and the environment at the same time.

Appliances work the same way – you can purchase and use highly efficient appliances in your business to cut the cost of energy and become eco friendly. Most of these new advanced appliances also come equipped with eco-friendly or energy-efficient modes that you can take advantage of as well.  

Energy Audits

If you want your business to go green, than consider getting an energy audit. Signing up for an energy audit generally costs businesses nothing and can help your workplace become completely eco-friendly. 

Typically a utility company will come out and help you replace your light bulbs, fix any leaks or drafts, and update your heating or cooling systems. 


Whether you use vehicles for transporting employees or products, investing in a hybrid or high efficacy vehicles is going to save your business money and our planet. These types of cars and trucks help reduce our carbon footprint and generally cost less for gas and maintenance. 

If you want your business to go green, this is a great start. 

Eco-Friendly Companies

If you want your business to go green, than these are the steps to take – Start small and make your way towards going completely green. Eco-friendly companies are saving our planet and helping our future generations be able to enjoy a better and cleaner life. 

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