Have you been considering breast augmentation? It’s not something to be entered into lightly. You’ll want to do a lot of research before you make the final decision to have this surgery. Since this is elective surgery, you will have to pay out of pocket for it, so it’s important to figure out how much it will cost you.
Our guide will help you make it easier to do this. And remember that it’s hard to put a price on the self-esteem you will gain from enhancing your image through breast augmentation surgery.
Estimating Breast Augmentation Costs
You Will Likely Need More Than One Surgery
There are a few reasons that breast augmentation surgery isn’t a “one and done” procedure.
First of all, if you have very small breasts (like an AA or A cup), and you want very large ones (like DDs), the surgeon will almost definitely recommend that you increase your bust size in stages.
Your skin and your body need time to adjust to the implants, and making a drastic size change simply isn’t as effective — or safe — as doing it gradually, a cup size or two at a time. Expect to take a couple of years off in between surgeries.
Even if you only want to go up one or two sizes, understand that implants don’t last forever. Fully one-quarter of women need a second surgery after 10 years, to replace the implants. Implants can also leak or develop scar tissue that warps their appearance.
Pregnancy and extreme changes in weight may also mean that you’ll need additional breast surgeries in the future. This will increase the total breast augmentation cost.
You’ll Have to Take Time off From Work
Recovery from breast augmentation surgery generally takes five to seven days of pretty serious rest, and even after that time period, you won’t feel 100% back to normal.
Depending on your career and the amount of physical activity it involves, plan on taking off at least a week. Unless you have vacation time or personal time saved up, remember to account for lost work when you estimate your breast augmentation cost.
Similarly, you’ll want to budget for conveniences like takeout meals and even housekeeping services. Recovering from surgery will take all your energy, and resting as much as you can will help you heal faster.
Women who have their implants placed behind the pectoral muscle rather than on top of it may have an even longer recovery time. Anyone whose job involves manual labor or strenuous physical activity will have to take it easy for at least several weeks.
There Are Hidden Costs
You’ve likely heard that the average breast augmentation cost in 2016 was about $3,700. However, that only covers the surgeon’s fee. You have to also factor in the costs of anesthesia, blood work, prescriptions, your hospital stay, and other assorted fees.
In fact, the average national total breast augmentation cost is almost double that amount, at $6,100. Your surgeon will discuss the details with you at your breast consultation. It’s important to be aware that this surgery may be more expensive than you had initially bargained for.
It’s Worth It
Regardless of the total breast augmentation cost, most women who have undergone this procedure say that it’s well worth it!
Give us a call if you’re ready to start the exciting journey of breast augmentation.