Harkness Industries Inc is a corporation servicing Cheshire, CT and is categorized as Plastics Plastic Products. To reach them by phone, contact them during business hours at (203) 272-3219. Harkness Industries Inc has a Cheshire location operating in 50 Grandview Ct . Harkness Industries Inc works in Plastics-Molders and also works in Plastics-Fabricating. Fimor's manufactures standard cast polyurethane shapes and custom urethane parts, as well as injection molded engineering grade components and profile extrusions. We are proud to serve customers in the medical, defense, material handling, industrial, recreation, electronics, automotive and aerospace industries, to name a few. We offer products that are UL-listed, FDA approved, and RoHS compliant. In the entire state of Connecticut, Harkness Industries Inc stands out from other Plastics Plastic Products corporation in Cheshire.
You can learn more about them including client testimonials by visiting their website. Harkness Industries Inc strives for customer satisfaction and B2C networking opportunities through brand awareness and advertising.
Look to Harkness Industries Inc if you are in need of Plastics Plastic Products. Out of all the local businesses in Cheshire, Harkness Industries Inc may be one of the best Plastics Plastic Products in Connecticut. Harkness Industries Inc has a Cheshire location operating in 50 Grandview Ct . Harkness Industries Inc is a Plastics Plastic Products entity servicing Cheshire, CT.
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Harkness Industries Inc |
50 Grandview Ct Cheshire, CT 6410 |
(203) 272-3219 |
http://harknessindustries.com |
41.541713, -72.901552 |